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Keep Meticulous Notes About Your Medication During A Personal Injury Case

It's common to be prescribed one or more kinds of medication as you deal with a serious injury of any kind. In the event that you've consulted a personal injury attorney, and he or she has said that your case has legal merit, it's time to keep meticulous notes about your recovery — and that includes your medication. A personal injury suit is all about recovering the money that you've spent or loss as a result of your injury, as well as getting compensated for the emotional pain that you've incurred. Here are some things to track about your medication.

The Cost

Prescription and non-prescription medication are often expensive, so it's imperative that you keep your receipts to share what you've spent on medication with your attorney. This is important even if you have health insurance. With many plans, you'll still need to pay a percentage of the cost of your prescription medication. Even if this amount is small, don't overlook it. It can add up over time, and you want to have the other party involved in your injury case compensate you for this out-of-pocket expense.

Your Side Effects

In many cases, prescription medication can lead to some unpleasant side effects. While it's miserable to go through such a situation, it's important for you to take notes so that these details can be part of your personal injury case. Often your unpleasant side effects can lead to financial loss. For example, even if you're able to work as a result of your injury, a bad series of side effects could keep you home from work on occasion. Make sure to list such scenarios and tabulate the amount of money that you've lost as a result. You can also make notes about the emotional suffering that the side effects have caused you, as this can also help your case.

Related Emotional Distress

Taking a variety of prescription and non-prescription medications can cause emotional distress. Even if they're helping you, you may find that you're often anxious about taking them. For example, you may struggle to keep track of when you've taken a particular drug and when you're due to take it again. If you're taking several medications concurrently, this situation can be overwhelming. Your personal injury attorney may also ask you to track other details related to your use of medication as you recover from your injury. The more meticulous you can be, the better you'll be supporting your case.

Contact your preferred personal injury lawyer for more information and assistance.