Getting Help With A Lawyer

Useful Personal Injury Shortcuts

Filing suit against a business or person who has wronged you in some way is always an option, but it is not the only way to get paid. Whether you've slipped down in a grocery store or you've been hit and injured by a careless driver, there are a couple of ways to bypass the courtroom and the stress. Read on to learn more.

Demand Payment

While simply asking the wrongdoer for money is possible, there is a more organized and legally recognized way to ask for money. When you've been hurt due to negligence or carelessness you have a right to be paid money damages, and it may only take a letter to have that happen. A demand letter is usually the first step in the process of getting compensation and is sent once you have established the extent of your losses. A personal injury attorney, once hired, will likely send a demand letter to the at-fault party and their insurance carrier as the opening salvo of your case. In some cases, there is no need to file a lawsuit if they comply with your demands and offer you a settlement check.

Your demand letter should include the circumstance of the accident, why the other party is at fault, a list of your damages (such as medical bills, personal property losses, lost wages, etc), and the dollar amount of money you are asking to be paid to drop any potential lawsuit.

File a Claim Directly

If you get hurt in a business of some sort, there is a nearly 100% chance that the business has insurance to cover your damages. Take action quickly if you get hurt and alert a manager or person in charge and fill out an accident report. If you are hesitant to make a fuss about your injury or embarrassed, consider how calling attention to the hazard might prevent others from becoming hurt and should prompt the business to take action to make the store safer for patrons. Do the following to ensure that you get paid what you are owed:

  1. Alert a manager
  2. Fill out an accident report
  3. Fill out an accident claim form
  4. Take photos of the accident scene—for example, if you tripped over a cable, make an effort to snap a shot of that hazard.
  5. Seek medical care and keep records of everything

If you are not offered the full amount you believe you are entitled to speak to a personal injury attorney like those found at Distefano Law PLC at once.